Minh’s Notes

Human-readable chicken scratch

Minh Nguyễn
April 27th, 2004


Speeding up

Unfortunately, I have learned today that the campaign season for next year’s student body leadership will be cut unusually short this year. Although the candidates presented their platforms to the Junior class only yesterday, and although the primaries caucuses were only today, the elections-at-large are tomorrow. This, of couse, means that I’m going to have to speed up my miniseries detailing the sturdy platform and highly positive characteristics of the Care Face Party (less commonly known as the Weber Ticket).

As Weber himself stated both yesterday and today, the number one reason for electing the Care Face Party to office is that Weber himself is “awesome.” Just as importantly, his Cabinet fully intends to introduce llama farms into MusicFest. j/k

Much less importantly, Matt Weber is serious about his campaign for student body leadership, even if he masks it with a highly interesting “Care Face.” He acknowledges the shortcomings of Student Government in recent years, and is bold enough to challenge the status quo of leadership.

The three synoptic tickets focused their platforms on working things out with the Administration. While there is nothing inherently wrong with this approach, we have all seen how well this has worked in the past couple of years. We need a change in method, and a change in attitude. The Weber ticket shows promise in this regard.

The Weber Ticket is not a joke platform; they are serious about what they promise. Although they are not the only serious ticket (several sources indicate that the also-serious Frericks Ticket is still campaigning as well), they have more than just the usual “ideas that can produce a more amiable environment,” to paraphrase one of the candidates; they have the personality and the will to make things work.

If you’re a freshman or sophomore, please seriously consider voting the Weber Ticket. If you’re a junior, and voted for another ticket in the primaries today, please do the same. We need real leadership in 2004–05!

I found out today (the 29th) that the elections will actually be Friday.


  1. Those campaign signs are springing up all over the place. A little commentary, just before the elections…

  2. Minh’s Notes


    Politics at its best. Weber carries the lowerclassmen and becomes President-elect of the St. Xavier Student Government.

  3. The Blueprint has broken an unbreakable record: this month’s issue is, believe it or not, more out-of-date than my own LSP


  1. Vote Trippy T. Tripod

  2. What’s the “T.” stand for?

     – Minh

  3. DEATH/gOD/Alpha & Omega

    CARE FACE!!! vote careface