Politics at its best. Matt Weber takes the Presidency, and the school administration will have some caring faces to talk to next year.
Carrying the lowerclassman vote, the Weber Ticket took the Freshmen class by 36 votes and the Sophomore class by 56 votes. The Frericks Ticket swept the Junior class, beating Weber by 60 votes. Overall, the Weber Ticket won by 32 votes – so close that the ballots were re-counted. (Fortunately, there were no hanging, pregnant, or rebellious teenage chads.)
I voted for Matt Weber. Now, I’m tempted to sign the recall petition that Matts’s running-mate Mike Smith is thinking about starting.
11/19/2004 @ 8:05 PM
Minh’s Notes
In the third person
The Blueprint has broken an unbreakable record: this month’s issue is, believe it or not, more out-of-date than my own LSP