Minh’s Notes

Human-readable chicken scratch

Minh Nguyễn
December 26th, 2004
Planet Xavier


Planet Xavier

For the past week or so, I’ve been working diligently on a little project temporarily called Planet Xavier. For the time being, it’ll be a directory of weblogs by current St. X students, faculty, and staff. (Weblogs – blogs – include LiveJournals, DeadJournals, and Xangas.)

When the project is complete, it’ll be a Planet-style daily digest of these weblogs, letting you know what everyone has said during the day. There are plenty of examples of Planet aggregators: Planet Mozilla is one I use quite often. It’s somewhat like a LiveJournal friends page, except it’ll include entries from all kinds of blogs, including independent ones like Minh’s Notes. Planet Xavier itself will probably include only weblogs with RSS or Atom feeds, but I’ll be working on technology that can scan ordinary webpages for updates.

I’ll need your help. I’m currently gathering a comprehensive list of St. X blogs, including abandoned ones. The current list (also at Bloglines) contains around 45 blogs that I can syndicate at Planet Xavier. But I know there are many more out there, so I’m relying on you, my readers and peers, to find the rest. If you…

  1. Are a current St. X student, teacher, or staff member; and
  2. Maintain or used to maintain a weblog not listed right now…

…I highly encourage you to submit the URL (address) of your blog. Even if you’re not interested in publicizing your blog, this is a great way to find out what your friends are saying. Your blog doesn’t have to be about school – it doesn’t even have to ever mention school.

I ask that you submit:

You can either e-mail me or place a comment on this entry. I’d like to thank all of you in advance for your help.


  1. Hasta una semana o dos que trabajo con diligencia sobre un proyecto peqeño, temporalmente llamado Planeta Javier. ¡Enterate lo que es, y cómo puedes ayudar!

  2. This site will remain the main location for my blog for the foreseeable future, but I’ve now added test.livejournal.org/~1ec5 to my list of mirrors. That’s right: I have an account with the

  3. My goodness… everyone around me seems to be posting about their year gone by, and I’ve already completed the first item on my New Year’s Resolution list: Planet Xavier is now up… sort of…