Minh’s Notes

Human-readable chicken scratch

Minh Nguyễn
June 11th, 2005
Planet Xavier


On the fly

I just collapsed Kurt Olding’s wonderful display of manlihood at pX. Normally I don’t censor stuff, but given the recent discussions about administrative interference, I had to err on the side of caution.

Not! My real motive was to test the new system I have in place for pX. In the past, I’ve maintained the machine-readable list of blogs to syndicate in a plain-text file (config.ini) that I’ve had to manually edit and upload every single time I had something to change. This summer, I intend to streamline the process before handing pX over to my successor. What I’ve just done is have my MT installation manage the blogs for us, then produce a machine-readable list of bloggers as the same monolithic plain-text file as before. So nothing really changed; it’s just easier for Brad and me.

This step ensures that we will be able to easily and quickly respond to inappropriate entries and excessively long ones that need to be collapsed. Brad will be able to make these modifications even when he’s not at home – in the Writing Center, for example.

I should’ve made this move long ago, but at least I can check it off my tasklist. You don’t mind me making an example of people, do you?