Minh’s Notes

Human-readable chicken scratch

Minh Nguyễn
April 25th, 2005
Quiz Team


Quiz Team finishes not-so-spectacular year

The Quiz Team played up at Copley tournament this weekend, as I mentioned that morning. Since I haven’t gotten in touch with any active Quiz Team members since then, I’ll just post this morning’s announcement verbatim:

The St. X Quiz Team finished 6th out of 16 teams in regional competition Saturday. The team, composed entirely of underclassmen, consisted of Brett Seifried, Sean Barber, Michael Knadler, Jay Kiger, Ed Kelly, and Doug Lim. We thank them and all other team members who supported them.

If I manage to find out anything else about the match, I’ll update you on it.

But, uhh… Brett, Sean, Michael, Jay, Ed, and Doug are all juniors. That definitely makes them upperclassmen. It’s not the most spectacular ending to the season, but all those guys have another year in store for them. My time is up, and for about a month I’ve been relegated to the member emeritus status that James Ficker has held for a couple years.

Well, thanks guys for making it a worthwhile year. I didn’t feel alone this year, even though I was the only senior, and I was making a fool of myself left and right with silly answers. (You know, like the one about North Dakota being the geographic center of the contiguous United States?)

Congratulations on being a great team.

[Update] According to Sean Barber, a major problem at the Copley tournament was that many of the teams kept on conferring, after buzzing in on the Lightning Rounds. That’s a definite no-no in the GCAL and at the Northmont tournament, but we’ve always witnessed this problem at Copley among other teams. Last year, if I recall correctly, Larry Stosman complained loudly about this and other issues, but we haven’t come up with much to fight back with. Oh well, at least we played by the rules, right? :^\