Picking nits with the Blueprint
Once again the Blueprint distributed its latest issue. Because I really should be studying for a physics test that we can’t possibly be prepared for, I’m going to summarize some of my thoughts and sentiments regarding this issue:
Will Barrett ’05 is credited for writing a ridiculous six articles scattered throughout the issue – all of them of significant length. (pp. 1-3,10,12 – sounds like an assignment for math class…)
Word has it that everyone aspires to be Will when they grow up, so they attribute their stories to him. As far as I know, the only other person with a similar fan club is Joe Besl. (I’ve still got the sticker, by the way.)
- While we’re on the topic of students with cult followings, it appears that more Blueprint departments, the Backside and Back-of-the-Backside, have been usurped by an amibitious journalist: Joe is at least partially credited for four of the eight articles and columns on the last two pages; he now commands over 60% of the two pages combined. (That figure does not include whitespace, which as we all know, belongs to Mr. Downie himself).
In fact, the newspaper is already controlled by a few powerful media moguls, namely Will, Joe, Sid Deka (who is making a weaker-than-usual showing in this issue), and Mark Murphy (who commands his own Features section) – all seniors.
Please note that I am not criticizing them; it just makes me wonder if there’s some kind of staffing shortage at the moment.
Do you think I should contribute to the publication? Voice your thoughts by posting a comment on this entry.
- For some reason, I spotted three instances of some text randomly set in a monospaced font (like Courier New), for no apparent reason. (1,10) Is there some problem with the printers that we should know about?
- Ordinary, boring sentences end with periods. (5)
- “Contentedly” is not a word in American English. But contently is. (5)
If an event doesn’t deserve national television coverage, and doesn’t get that coverage, what’s the big deal? (6)
Thanks to Pat Mulvaney for bringing up that point.
- Please don’t mention Tootsie Rolls and water closets on the same page. (16) Thank you.
And a note to Chris: please read the above list in its entirety before passing judgment on my entire website, my character, and my pet goat – as you always do.
I don't know about the rest of the sections but the reason backside was so heavily editor written was that they got almost no submissions. The printing quality of this one was terrible as well. It especially ruined Mark's really well layed out section.
I suppose you can take out your revenge the way most everybody does. Commandeering their computers to play worms and watch dvds.
2/ 3/2005 @ 9:00 PM
Minh’s Notes
Whimpering out of Quiz Team
Sean Barber wrote about the Quiz Team in the latest Blueprint issue. If you’ve been paying attention to the regular Quiz Team posts here, you’ll know how big a deal that statement is th...
3/ 6/2005 @ 12:32 AM
Minh’s Notes
Blueprint delivers timely issue
The Blueprint was issued yesterday morning, just before the “mid-Lenten prayer service.” That the paper contains timely and relevant articles constitutes such an achievement that that f...