August 8th, 2002
Adobe Atmosphere
Now what?
When is this game going to end? As you may recall, Build 75 was due out in the middle of last month. It’s not out yet. According to a chat log posted on the Adobe Atmosphere User-to-User Forum, Build 75 will be out “very soon, i hop [sic] end of week or Monday, depends on the update”. The developers of Atmosphere have promised a lot of changes and new features this time around, including:
- A new UI.
- Havok physics, so you won’t get pinned to the back wall of a moving monorail.
- A third-person view.
- World synchronization, so that when one person in a world opens a door, the door opens for everyone in that world.
- “Models”, to replace subworlds.
I sure hope that mrk is sure about this release date.
12/22/2004 @ 12:23 AM
Minh’s Notes
Going forward
In about a month, Atmosphere will officially become abandonware. It is the next VRML. Plus: What I’m looking for in the next Atmosphere.
3/29/2005 @ 10:43 PM
Minh’s Notes
Two more weeks…
If you’re looking into getting a free account with f2o, your wait may be almost over. But don’t hold your breath, like us Atmofolk did.