Minh’s Notes

Human-readable chicken scratch

Minh Nguyễn
April 1st, 2008
Planet Xavier



The lucky folks back home in Cincinnati appear to be having a snow day in April, according to my self-aware program that automatically updates Planet Xavier to reflect the latest school closings. (pX is a blog aggregator for my high school.)

For Tuesday and Wednesday, St. Xavier is closed. See the school website for more details.

Normally, I’d be quite skeptical, but it snowed a ton there last month, and plus, this program is seriously smart. It even deduced (from the school’s event calendar) that some events would have to be postponed or canceled, so it added a helpful link to the school website for details on schedule changes.

(By the way, you should see what my alma mater’s doing for the 1st of April!)

So pX is back to normal now, though I’ve archived the prank in case you feel like getting a catchy song stuck in your head today. As for me, this little experiment in inane Internet memes is definitely over. Ah, sanity.


  1. Planet Xavier News

    Snow in April

    For those who missed it today, this year’s April Fool’s joke has been archived for your continued enjoyment (and for songs stuck in heads)....